Member Fuel Discount Card is finally available: Save 2.5 – 3p Per Litre on Diesel:

Dear All,

We’re thrilled to announce that the brand new Fuel Discount Card is finally available to Members.

It’s available to:

DriveProtect Members

BTST Members (if you received an email invite to this page then you are a BTST Member)


Currently the Member Fuel Discount Card is for Diesel only but we are looking in to negotiating a Petrol one in the near future.

There are 2 options for Members:

The first is 100% free and always will be.

The second option has a small cost but increases the discount to 3p/litre.

How it Works:

You can chose from 5 cards, depending on which brand/s of fuel you want the Member discount on: BP, Shell, Esso, Texaco, UK Fuels Garages (such as Moto, Welcome Break, Murco, MFG, Co-Op & Applegreen).

You can choose as many of the 5 Fuel Cards as you want (personally I’m getting all five).

• A full list of garages that offer the discount can be found here

*Important* click Network Options then tick Bunker to see fuel stations that offer the Member Discount

You will be directed to set up a Direct Debit with our Fuel Card provider, UK Fuels.

Once set up, UK Fuels will conduct a credit check and assuming successful will forward the fuel cards you’ve requested.

Then, simply pay for your fuel on your Member fuel card and UK Fuels will take the payment from your bank for the cost of the fuel, minus the discount the following week.

You will never be charged any fees by them. You’ll only ever be charged for the fuel you buy using the card (less the discount).

BTST Member Fuel Discount Card FAQ

Tell me about it in one paragraph!

We have negotiated a discount on Diesel fuel of between 2.5p/lire – 3p/litre for BTST Members across more than 10,000 petrol stations across the UK. The petrol brands include: Shell, Esso, BP, Texaco, Murco, Applegreen, MFG (basically every other fuel brand in the UK). It also works in all Welcome Break and Moto service stations.

How much do I save per litre?

2.5p – 3p (depending on which card you get).

Is it free or is there a cost?

We’ve negotiated a 100% free Fuel Card for Members (which is £18/year to everyone else, even without the guarantee of a discount). It will always be free and gets you a 2.5p per litre discount on Diesel. The second option has a small monthly or one-off cost (£3/mo or £30 one-off) and might be attractive to Members who use a lot of fuel. It gets you a 3p per litre discount on Diesel.

Why do I need a credit check?

The fuel card is a credit facility. You can think of it as a “fuel credit card”. You can pay for fuel on the card and then your bank will be debited for what you’ve spent (minus the discount) in the days after. UK Fuels need to credit check Users for obvious reasons!

Do I need a different card for each fuel brand?

Yes. You can choose which brand or brands you want on the signup page. You are welcome to have as few or as many cards (up to 5 for different fuel brands) as you need.

Is there any contract or minimum use?

Absolutely not. We have a contract with the Fuel Card provider on behalf of Members but there is no contract, minimum usage, or any other “small print” — just a discount on the pump prices.

Am I guaranteed to get 2.5 or 3p per litre off?

Yes. The discount is taken from the forecourt price so if the pump price was, for example, £1.80/litre you will pay £1.77 with the fuel card.

Whose name is on the front of the card?

Yours. It is your Fuel Card, not ours :-)

Diesel only?

The Member Fuel Card is currently for Diesel Fuel Only. We are hoping to launch a Petrol version in coming months.

Choose your Option Below:

Option #1 (free):

Save: 2.5p/litre

Completely Free to Members

This card is usually £18/year per user and is not available to the general public, but we’ve negotiated that for DriveProtect & BTST Members and TALEX Users, there will be no charge ever.

Option #2 (premium):

Save: 3p/litre

We decided to give 2 options to Members for this card:

a) £3/month (no contract, downgrade to free card at any time)

…or >

b) £30 one-off fee (no contract, monthly fee or any future fees)

This is for Members who don’t like having a monthly fee.

It’s a one-off lifetime fee for the card.

We’ve worked hard on this for Members and I’m happy that we’ve been able to pull it off!

All the best,


Terms of Member Fuel Card Offer:

(don’t worry, nothing nasty :-)

Diesel Only (currently):
The Member Fuel Card is currently for Diesel Fuel Only. We are hoping to launch a Petrol version in coming months.

Can I get a card for a family member?:
So long as you are happy to pay for their fuel, yes! Alternatively we are happy for family members of BTST Members to apply for a card — just send them the link to this page.

We may change Fuel Card Providers from time to time:
We have contracted on behalf of DriveProtect Members, BTST Members, and TALEX Users to negotiate, and get the best deal possible with one of the most well-established Fuel Card providers in the UK.

We may choose to switch providers from time to time if, for example, they are in breach of contract, or stop offering Members a good service.

Members are of course free to stick with their original fuel card, or switch to any new card we may create that may offer Members a better deal;

Saving Amount Per Litre:
The savings shown above are the current savings negotiated on Diesel fuel with the Fuel Card provider we have contracted with (UK Fuels) on behalf of Members.

We can’t directly control the discount offered over time if, for example, the fuel companies or the fuel card provider changes the discount offered to Members.

If this should happen then we will endeavour to either apply pressure for them to increase the discount to (at least) 2.5p / 3p per litre, or seek another fuel card provider who may be able to offer a better deal;

Service Level from our Fuel Card Provider:
If you feel our Fuel Card provider ever gives you a poor service, or if they ask you for money, please tell us immediately so that we can remind them that you are a Member and should not be charged any fees.

Under the terms of our negotiated contract, Members should never have to pay the provider any fees whatsoever.

If you opt for the £3/month option, we may have to increase the monthly amount from time to time in times of high inflation. We guarantee not to do this for at least 1 year. If we ever do increase the cost we will inform you before doing this, and you are free to cancel and downgrade to the free version of the card at any time by cancelling your Direct Debit.

We do not plan to increase the cost, however, and in a deflationary environment, we would look to reduce the monthly cost, in which case we may not notify you for obvious reasons (i.e. you will be saving money).

That’s all. Enjoy your fuel savings!

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